
Teaching object-oriented programming concepts using Visual Basic .NET

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Journal of Information Systems Education, 17 (2): 163-170 (2006)


This paper presents an object-oriented approach to Visual Basic .NET instruction to be delivered in a traditional academic semester for information system curricula. The paper first discusses some of the inherent problems with Visual Basic .NET instruction and then proposes an object-oriented approach. This approach includes a systematic set of programming projects to take students on a journey that traces the principles of the object-oriented, the event-driven, and the procedural paradigms into a coherent framework. The Unified Modeling Language Class Diagram notation is used to model an object-oriented system that is developed and enhanced throughout the duration of the course. Practical recommendations and programming exercises are provided and evaluated in the discussion. This course is intended to be at minimum a second programming course for information system students to satisfy IS 2002 guidelines.



  • @aritzhaupt

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