
Vicissitudes of the Dutch Trade in Kerala

(October 2023)


This paper deals with the history of the Dutch trade relations with Kerala. It was pepper that brought the Dutch East India Company to the coast of Kerala in the 17th century. The Dutch tried to establish monopoly of pepper trade in Kerala through political conquests. They had trade relations with many native kingdoms of the period. The Dutch had many settlements in Kerala like Kollam, Cochin, Kodungallur and Kannur. The rise of Travancore under Marthanda Varma shattered the hopes of the Dutch ambitions of trade in Kerala. Raj Mohan. M "Vicissitudes of the Dutch Trade in Kerala" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-5 , October 2023, URL: Paper Url:



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