
Improving Grammer Based Evolution Algorithms via Attributed Derivation Trees

, and .
Genetic Programming 7th European Conference, EuroGP 2004, Proceedings, volume 3003 of LNCS, page 208--219. Coimbra, Portugal, Springer-Verlag, (5-7 April 2004)


Using Genetic Programming difficult optimisation problems can be solved, even if the candidate solutions are complex objects. In such cases, it is a costly procedure to correct or replace the invalid individuals that may appear during the evolutionary process. Instead of such post-processing, context-free grammars can be used to describe the syntax of valid solutions, and the algorithm can be modified to work on derivation trees, such that it does not generate invalid individuals. Although tree operators have the advantage of good parameterizability, it is not trivial to construct them correctly and efficiently. An existing method for derivation tree evolution and its extension towards attributed derivation trees are discussed. As the result of this extension the operators are not only faster but they are easy to parameterise, moreover the algorithm is better guided, thus it can converge faster.



  • @brazovayeye

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