
Analysis of the Effect of Oxygen Addition on Minimum Ignition Energy

Journal of Energy, 7 (6): 71--715 (1~November 1983)


The optimum minimum ignition energy for quiescent or flowing mixtures can be correlated by equations. Relative to a specific fuel-air ratio, only one oxygen addition is optimum. The optimum equivalence ratio$ \phi_opt$ can be correlated by an equation against the oxygen fraction, and it is independent of pressure and flow condition. The thermal ignition theory can be used to predict the minimum ignition energy reduction by oxygen addition both for quiescent and flowing mixtures. Oxygen addition affects the minimum ignition energy by means of change of oxygen concentration and change of flame temperature; both increase the chemical reaction rates and thus flame speeds. Oxygen addition is a very useful method for improving low pressure ignition or ignition of alternative or heavy fuels.



  • @sjp

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