
Calculation of the PV modules angular losses under field conditions by means of an analytical model

, and .
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, (2001)


Photovoltaic (PV) modules in real operation present angular losses in reference to their behaviour in standard test conditions, due to the angle of incidence of the incident radiation and the surface soil. Although these losses are not always negligible, they are commonly not taken into account when correcting the electrical characteristics of the PV module or estimating the energy production of PV systems. The main reason of this approximation is the lack of easy-to-use mathematical expressions for the angular losses calculation. This paper analyses these losses on PV modules and presents an analytical model based on theoretical and experimental results. The proposed model "ts monocrystalline as well as polycrystalline and amorphous silicon PV modules, and contemplates the existence of super"cial dust. With it angular losses integrated over time periods of interest can be easily calculated. Monthly and annual losses have been calculated for 10 di!erent European sites, having diverse climates and latitudes (ranging from32 3 to 523), and considering di!erent module tilt angles.



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