Titan: Atmospheric and surface features as observed with Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System Near-Infrared Imager and Spectrograph at the time of the Huygens mission
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%0 Journal Article
%1 Hirtzig2007
%A Hirtzig, M.
%A Coustenis, A.
%A Gendron, E.
%A Drossart, P.
%A Hartung, M.
%A o, A. Negra\
%A Rannou, P.
%A Combes, M.
%D 2007
%J Journal of Geophysical Research
%K imported
%N E02S91
%T Titan: Atmospheric and surface features as observed with Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System Near-Infrared Imager and Spectrograph at the time of the Huygens mission
%V 112
added-at = {2009-11-03T20:21:25.000+0100},
author = {Hirtzig, M. and Coustenis, A. and Gendron, E. and Drossart, P. and Hartung, M. and o, A. Negra\ and Rannou, P. and Combes, M.},
biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d47eb0ee8b8d91a50f7d8d6a3e635f68/svance},
date-added = {2007-12-04 14:05:31 -0800},
date-modified = {2007-12-04 14:08:05 -0800},
interhash = {763f166854b2dde8e6b77aa04a07de4c},
intrahash = {d47eb0ee8b8d91a50f7d8d6a3e635f68},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research},
keywords = {imported},
number = {E02S91},
timestamp = {2009-11-03T20:21:36.000+0100},
title = {Titan: {A}tmospheric and surface features as observed with {N}asmyth {A}daptive {O}ptics {S}ystem {N}ear-{I}nfrared Imager and {S}pectrograph at the time of the {H}uygens mission},
volume = 112,
year = 2007