
Brownian dynamics with absorbing boundary conditions

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


The one-dimensional motion of a Brownian particle, either free or in a linear force field, in an infinite medium is well understood both analytically and numerically. The associated Fokker-Planck equation may be solved analytically, for $\delta$-function initial conditions, and a number of numerical schemes has been used to simulate the corresponding stochastic differential equation. However, the presence of a boundary, herein considered to be perfectly absorbing, introduces subtleties both in the analytical solution and the numerical simulations. For a free, inertialess Brownian particle the Green's function of the associated Fokker-Planck equation may obtained via the method of images: the physical source at $x_0$ is reflected with respect to the absorbing boundary (considered to be at $x_wall =0$) to create an anti-particle (hole) at $-x_0$. The absorbing-wall Green's function is, then, obtained by propagating both particles and anti-particles via the infinite-medium Green's function: particles and anti-particles annihilate at the boundary as required. However, the naive numerical simulation of the corresponding Wiener process, via, e.g., the Euler scheme, introduces an error at the boundary: the numerically obtained particle density does not vanish at the absorbing boundary. The non-zero value of the density arises from the stochastic nature of the particle trajectories. As particle motion is not ballistic, a particle may recross the boundary. Therefore, there exists a finite probability~1 that a particle starting at $x_0$ and ending at $x_1$ touched the wall during the simulation time step $P_abs = \Big - x_0 x_1 /(D t ) \Big $ with $D$ the diffusion coefficient and $t$ the simulation time step. If the simulation procedure is corrected accordingly numerical results agree with the analytical solution. Moreover, for a continuous injection of particles at, for example, the origin the naive numerical scheme introduces an unphysical boundary layer close to the injection point--the concentration close to the injection point is depleted. The fictitious boundary layer stems from the usual implementation of the numerical simulation that considers particle injection occurring exactly at the injection point. However, a finite probability exists that a particle enters the simulation domain by crossing the boundary, namely, the injected particle does not necessarily originate at the injection point. The spurious boundary layer disappears~2 when particles are injected with an entrance probability distribution $P_inject (x) = \Big \pi/ (2 \sigma) \Big ^1/2 erfc \Big x/(2 \sigma) \Big $ where $\sigma^2 = 2 D t$. Both corrections, particle recrossing and proper entrance distribution, were used in numerical simulations of continuous injection of particles with an absorbing wall. Results are shown in Fig. (1). The average concentration obtained from the naive simulations exhibits the spurious boundary layer close to the injection point, and it does not vanish at the absorbing boundary, whereas the concentration determined from the modified simulations is in excellent agreement with the steady-state analytical solution, a linear concentration profile. For inertial particles in a linear force field, Kramer's equation, the boundary condition at the absorbing wall is $f(0,v,t) = 0$ for $v>0$ with $f(x,v,t)$ the position and velocity probability distribution of the Brownian particles. Accordingly, the reflection of a physical source at $(x_0,v_0)$ creates a source of anti-particles in physical space, suggesting that a modification of the usual method of images is required. Possible extensions of the method of images for Kramer's problem will be presented.\\ 1) T.\ M.\ A.\ O.\ M.\ Barenbrug, E.\ A.\ J.\ F.\ Peters, and J.\ D.\ Schieber, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 9202 (2002).\\ 2) A.\ Singer and Z.\ Schuss, Phys. Rev. E 71, 026115 (2005).


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