
H.: Beyond Location Based - The Spatially Aware Mobile Phone

, , and .
In (W2GIS 2006). Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, Hong Kong, page 4--5. LNCS, Springer, (2006)


Abstract. An increasing number of mobile phones feature embedded sensors such as GPS receivers, digital compasses or accelerometer-based tilt sensors. In this paper, we present an application framework for building spatially aware mobile applications – applications that visualize, process or exchange geospatial information – on mobile phones equipped with such sensors. The core component of the framework is a novel, platform-independent XML data exchange format that describes the geographic vicinity of the mobile device. The format enables a variety of new mobile interaction styles and user interface types – from traditional text-based local search and information interfaces to innovative real-time user interfaces like geo-pointers and smart compasses.



  • @kw

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