Beliebiger Eintrag,

A double demonstration of a theorem of Newton, which gives a relation between the coefficient of an algebraic equation and the sums of the powers of its roots

(Juli 2007)


Translation from the Latin original, "Demonstratio gemina theorematis Neutoniani, quo traditur relatio inter coefficientes cuiusvis aequationis algebraicae et summas potestatum radicum eiusdem" (1747). E153 in the Enestrom index. In this paper Euler gives two proofs of Newton's identities, which express the sums of powers of the roots of a polynomial in terms of its coefficients. The first proof takes the derivative of a logarithm. The second proof uses induction and the fact that in a polynomial of degree \$n\$, the coefficient of \$x^n-k\$ is equal to the sum of the products of \$k\$ roots, times \$(-1)^k\$.



  • @rwst

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