
Educational Blogging

EDUCAUSE Review, 39 (5): 14--26 (September 2004)


"I think it’s the most beautiful tool of the world and it allows us the most magic thing..." —Florence Dassylva-Simard, fifth-grade student The bell rings, and the halls of Institut St-Joseph in Quebec City echo the clatter of the fifth- and sixth-graders. Some take their chairs in the more traditional classroom on the lower floor. Others attend to their projects in the large, open activity room upstairs, pausing perhaps to study one of the chess games hanging on the wall before meeting in groups to plan the current project. A third group steps up a half flight of stairs into the small narrow room at the front of the building, one wall lined with pictures and plastercine models of imagined aliens, the other with a bank of Apple computers...



  • @willwade

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