
Performances of Ad Hoc Networks Under Deterministic and Probabilistic Channel Conditions: Cases for Single Path and Multipath Routing Protocols

International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC), 10 (4): 1-21 (July 2018)
DOI: 10.5121/ijcnc.2018.10401


Deterministic channel models have been widely used in simulation and modeling of ad hoc network for a long time. But, deterministic channel models are too simple to represent a real-world ad hoc network scenario. Recently, random channel models have drawn considerable attention of the researchers in this field. The results presented in the literature show that random channel models have a grave impact on the performance of an ad hoc network. A comprehensive investigation on this issue is yet to be available in the literature. In this investigation, we consider both deterministic and random channel models to investigate their effects on ad hoc networks. We consider two different types of routing protocols namely single path and multipath routing protocols. We choose Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV), Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR), and Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) as the single path routing protocols. On the other hand, we choose Ad-hoc On-Demand Multiple Path Distance Vector (AOMDV) as the multipath routing protocol. The results show that some single path routing protocol can outperform multipath routing protocol under both deterministic and random channel conditions. These results surprisingly contradict the popular claim that multipath routing protocol always outperforms single path routing protocol. A guideline for choosing an appropriate routing protocol for adhoc network has also been provided in this work



  • @laimbee

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