
Story Telling Folk Songs Related to Assamese Folktales An Introduction

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4): 617-619 (мая 2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd23880


Assamese folk literature is very rich from the component of folk songs. There are many songs related to Assamese folktales. These story telling folk songs are part of the scope of Assamese folk songs. Lakshminath Bezbaruah collected Assamese folktales and compiled three volumes. These are ‘Burhi Aair Sadhu' 1911 , ‘Kokadeuta Aaru Natilora' 1913 , and ‘Junuka' 1913 . The folktale collection ‘Burhi Aair Sadhu' is very popular Assamese folktale collection in the world of Assamese literature. In this paper, an analysis is attempted on the story telling folk songs related to Assamese folktales and the importance of story telling folk songs. The present study is based on analytical method. The primary data collect from the collection of Assamese folktales ‘Burhi Aair Sadhu' by Lakshminath Bezbaruah. Mridul Moran ""Story-Telling Folk Songs Related to Assamese Folktales: An Introduction"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd23880.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/english/23880/story-telling-folk-songs-related-to-assamese-folktales-an-introduction/mridul-moran


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