
Giant domain wall response of highly twinned ferroelastic materials

, , , and .
Applied Physics Letters, 101 (14): - (2012)


Many ferroelastic crystals display at sufficiently low measurement frequencies a huge elastic softening below T c which is caused by domain wall motion. Materials range from perovskites to iron based superconductors and shape memory materials. We present a model—based on Landau-Ginzburgtheory including long range elastic interaction between needle shaped ferroelastic domains—to describe the observed superelastic softening. The theory predicts that the domain wall contribution to the elastic susceptibility is different for improper and proper ferroelasticmaterials. A test of the theory against experimental data on SrTiO 3 , KMnF 3 , LaAlO 3 , LaAlO 3 , La 1 - x Nd x P 5 O 14 , and NH 4 HC 2 O 4 · 1 2 H 2 O yields excellent agreement.



  • @sas137

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