Petri Nets are a family of formalisms that allow to effective
ly model manufacturing systems. The experimental
approach method is provided to ensure formally in elementary si
phons to distinguish deadlock conditions for a class in terms o
generalized Petri nets, namely S
PR. A siphon is a kind of special structural objects of a Petr
i net and plays an important role in
synthesizing a live Petri net controller of flexible manufactur
ing systems FMS. An FMS corresponds to a class of concurrent
systems called Resource Allocation Systems
(RASs). The application of Petri Nets (PNs) in RASs is an activ
e research field devoted
to defining and exploits differen
t subclasses of Petri Nets all
owing modeling the widest set of RAS. A monitor is added for a
minimal siphon such that it is max-controlled if it is elementa
ry with respect to the siphons that have been derived. Simulati
on PN
to the structural analysis and reachability graph analysis are
employed to synthesize and control of FMS. An example is used
illustrate this method.
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