
Lettera di Costantino alla Chiesa di Alessandria e lettera del sinodo di Nicea agli Egiziani (325): i falsi sconosciuti da Atanasio?

Gregorianum, (2008)


The article proposes the hypothesis that the letters known as direct witnesses to the work of the council of Nicea (the letter of Constantine to the Church of Alexandria and the letter of the council of Nicea to the Egyptians) are indeed false: that is, they are letters written after the episcopate of Athanasius. The political-ecclesial situation of Alexandria in the years 373-378 (circa) appears to be that described in the two letters and the only one possible, in my opinion, that corresponds to their tone and content. For this reason, their contents should not be considered a valid source for our knowledge of the themes discussed at the council.


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