
Logarithmic elastic response in the dilute non-Kramers system Y$_1-x$Pr$_x$Ir$_2$Zn$_20$

, , , , , , и .
JPS Conf. Proc., (14.02.2020)
DOI: 10.7566/jpscp.29.015002


Ultrasonic investigations of the single-site quadrupolar Kondo effect in diluted Pr system Y0.966Pr0.034Ir2Zn20 are reported. The elastic constant (C11 − C12)/2 is measured down to ∼40 mK using ultrasound for the dilute system Y0.966Pr0.034Ir2Zn20 and the pure compound YIr2Zn20. We found that the elastic constant (C11 − C12)/2 of the Pr-dilute system exhibits a logarithmic temperature dependence below T0 ∼ 0.3 K, where non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior in the specific heat and electrical resistivity is observed. This logarithmic temperature variation manifested in the Γ3-symmetry quadrupolar susceptibility is consistent with the theoretical prediction of the quadrupolar Kondo effect by D. L. Cox Adv. Phys. 47, 599 (1998). On the other hand, the pure compound YIr2Zn20 without 4f-electron contributions shows nearly no change in its elastic constants evidencing negligible phonon contributions. In addition, clear acoustic de Haas–van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations in the elastic constant were detected for both compounds on applying magnetic field. This is mainly interpreted as contribution from the Fermi surface of YIr2Zn20.


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