
Keeping it all in the family: The role of particularistic relationships business group performance during institutional transition

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Administrative Science Quarterly, 50 (3): 404-439 (2005)Luo, XW Chung, CN INTERNATIONAL BALLOON TECHNOLOGY CONF OCT 08-10, 1991 ALBUQUERQUE, NM.


We examine the role of particularistic relationships (such as family and prior social ties) in business groups during institutional transition and test how particularistic ties between top leaders affect business group performance in Taiwan, where such ties have been central to the functioning of business groups. We propose that during market-oriented transition, family and prior social ties could Improve group performance by providing informal norms that strengthen the intermediation within business groups and that family relationships could reduce strategic restructuring and generate performance benefits. Results of a longitudinal study over 24 years show that market transition enhanced the contribution of family and prior social relationships but not that of common-identity relationships, such as being from the same hometown, which do not involve prior direct personal contact. We also found that during transition, the positive contribution of family members would rise up to a threshold, after which additional family members tended to derail group performance, possibly due to informational disadvantages and a legitimacy discount in the eyes of foreign investors. The study helps to make sense of different predictions about the role of particularistic ties in business group performance and makes an initial attempt at revealing how social structure affects performance. Our findings have implications for research on the value of business groups in institutional transition, interorganizational relationships, and the contingencies of social relationships.



  • @edwardyanquen

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