
A Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems

, and .
Mgmt. Information Science Quarterly, 23 (1): 67--93 (March 1999)


This article discusses the conduct and evaluation of interpretive research in information systems. While the conventions for evaluating information systems case studies conducted according to the natural science model of social science are now widely accepted, this is not the case for interpretive field studies. A set of principles for the conduct and evaluation of interpretive field research in information systems is proposed, along with their philosophical rationale. The usefulness of the principles is illustrated by evaluating three published interpretive field studies drawn from the IS research literature. The intention of the paper is to further reflection and debate on the important subject of grounding interpretive research methodology.



  • @krevelen
  • @neilernst
  • @boehr
  • @mstrohm

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