
Effects of respite on mothers of school-age and adult children with severe disabilities.

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Ment Retard, 29 (1): 43--47 (February 1991)


The immediate and short-term effects of a preplanned, 10-day overnight respite on 14 mothers of school-age and adult children with multiple disabilities were evaluated. Change in maternal mood, well-being, and activity patterns was measured before, during, and after respite. The data indicate that during respite, mothers experienced increased feelings of well-being and less depressed mood. Concomittant changes in activity patterns were also found. After respite, increased feelings of well-being continued, and there was a strong tendency for mothers to be less depressed. Results suggest that researchers should conduct controlled evaluation, using standardized measures, to assess the effectiveness of respite on enhancing the quality of life of mothers caring for children with disabilities at home.



  • @ar0berts

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