
Why not Neutrinos as the Dark Matter? A Critical Review, KATRIN and New Research Directions

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(2022)cite arxiv:2208.06460Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 7th Symposium on Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Nuclear Physics (NDM22).


We challenge the traditional wisdom that cosmological (big bang relic) neutrinos can only be hot Dark Matter. We provide a critical review of the concepts, derivations and arguments in foundational books and recent publications that led respected researchers to proclaim that "Dark Matter cannot be neutrinos". We then provide the physics resulting in relic neutrino's significant power loss from the interaction of its anomalous magnetic moment with a high-intensity primordial magnetic fields, resulting in subsequent condensation into Condensed Neutrino Objects (CNOs). Finally, the experimental degenerate mass bounds that would rule out condensed cosmological neutrinos as the Dark Matter (unless there is new physics that would require a modification to the CNO Equation of State) are provided. We conclude with a discussion on new directions for research.



  • @citekhatri

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