
Escape Fraction of Ionizing Radiation from Starburst Galaxies at High Redshifts

, and .
(2012)cite arxiv:1209.2123Comment: 8 pages, submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome.


Recent data indicates that the cosmic UV emissivity decreased with decreasing redshift z near the end of reionization. Lacking evidence for very massive early stars, this could signal a decline with time in the mass-averaged escape fraction of ionizing radiation from galaxies <fesc> at z > 6. We calculate the evolution of ionization fronts in dark matter halos which host gas in hydrostatic equilibrium at its cooling temperature floor (T~10^4 K for atomic hydrogen). We find a high escape fraction only for the lowest mass halos (with M< 10^8.7 Msun at (1+z)=10) provided their star formation efficiency f_star > 10^-3. Since the low-mass galaxy population is depleted by radiative feedback, we find that indeed <fesc> decreases with time during reionization.



  • @miki

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