
Investigation of adsorption of polymer chains in disordered medium: Critical exponents and scaling

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


We investigate the influence of long-range correlated surface and decaying near surface disorder on the process of adsorption of long-flexible polymer chains with excluded volume interactions on repulsive, inert and attractive walls. We consider a correlation function for defects of the form $e^-z/\xir^a$ , where $a<d-1$, $z$ being the coordinate in the direction perpendicular to the surface, $r$ denotes the distance parallel to the surface. The investigation is performed in the framework of renormalization group field theoretical approach to first order of perturbation theory in a double ($\epsilon$,$\delta$)- expansion ($\epsilon=4-d$, $\delta=3-a$) for the semi-infinite $|\phi|^4$ $O(m,n)$ model in the limit $m,n0$. In particular we study two limiting cases. First, we investigate the scenario where the chain's extension it much larger then $\xi$. Second, we consider the case where the chain's extension is of the order of $\xi$. For both cases we obtained series for bulk and the whole set of surface critical exponents, characterizing the process of adsorption of long-flexible polymer chains at the surface. The polymer linear dimensions parallel and perpendicular to the surface and the corresponding partition functions as well as the behavior of monomer density profiles and the fraction of adsorbed monomers at the surface and in the volume are studied. The obtained results indicate that long-range correlated surface and decaying near the surface disorder essentially influences the process of adsorption of long-flexible polymer chains.



  • @statphys23

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