
Sonnenbrand bei Weinbeeren. Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie

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Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, (2004)


The role of phenolics in UV-screening was investigated in berries of a white grape cultivar (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Bacchus). Glavonols and hydroxycinnamic acids were identified as the main groups of UV-absorbing phenolics. Relationships between natural radiation and the synthesis of phenolics were studied in plants that were cultivated in the absence of UV radiation in a greenhouse prior to outdoor exposure to three different light regimes: (1) the entire solar spectrum, (2) the solar sprectrum minus UV-B radiation and (3) only visible radiation. During six days of exposure, flavonol synthsis was significantly stimulated by natural UV, in particular UV-B, but concetrations of hydroxycinnamic acids decreased under all conditions. While increased flavonol levels resutled in efficient UV-A shielding was incomplete probably due to decreased levels of the UV-B-absorbing hydroxycinnamic acids during exposure. Decreased UV-B-shielding might be involved in severe sunburn damage in the presence of UV-B radiation.


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