Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

The difficult part of capstone design courses

Frontiers in Education Conference, 1995. Proceedings., 1995, 1, Seite 2c3.1-2c3.4 vol.1. (November 1995)
DOI: 10.1109/FIE.1995.483069


The capstone design course allows students to synthesize solutions to open ended problems. However without some urging, the students tend to focus on the easy part of the project-a single technical solution. The paper deals with some experience in bringing the more demanding aspects of technical projects into the design course. These include: (1) defining the real project with your customer “how will we know when we're done?”. (2) Planning for success. Resource analysis-time, money knowledge, equipment and all of their interactions. (3) What is the best solution? Holding design reviews and comparing alternatives. (4) Communication skills. How do you keep the design team, the boss, and the customer up to date? (5) Presentation of project information in written and verbal forms. (6) Team dynamics. How to support the development of high performance teams? (7) Social skills. Why do I have to deal differently with Mary than with Anne to get their commitment and support? (8) Conflict. Why you need it and how to manage it. Each of the above topics could be a course in itself, but the capstone design course is an ideal place to discuss and exhibit the interaction of these complex issues. These discussions sow the seeds that will allow our graduates to perform at a higher level in all of their future project activities



  • @juheikki

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