
Japanese animation in America and its fans

Oregon State University, (2008)


This research covers Japanese animation and its popularity in the United States. It focuses on hardcore fans for whom this animation has become part of their lives. Using interviews of self-identified anime fans, this research explores how anime fandom has become a part of American life despite originating in a different culture. The information is analyzed through the theories of media anthropology, fan studies, and subcultures of consumption to better understand the popularity of Japanese animation in a country where few other non-native media have succeeded. Many fans started watching anime as a way to assert their own identity. Anime was appealing because of the digital community that supports fans even in remote parts of the country and because anime differed from mainstream entertainment. Anime fans differ in their actions based upon the age of the fans, with high school age fans very vocal in their support and identification with anime. Older fans are more likely to consider anime as only a limited part of their life. Anime has created an interest in Japan among many fans, but this interest has little to do with the actual country and more do with a perception of “Japan” as an exciting, exotic place.


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