
Estimation of surface soil properties in peatland using ALOS/PALSAR

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Landscape and Ecological Engineering, (января 2009)


Abstract  By examining the area of the Sarobetsu Mire in northern Japan using ALOS/PALSAR data, we have clarified the backscattering behavior and characteristics of the L-band microwaves when used in the study of peatlands. We classified the vegetation intosix categories and noted the differences in scattering intensity and incident-angle dependencies among these. The scatteringintensity for HH and HV polarizations was greatest with sasa (dwarf bamboo) and reeds, and least with sphagnum. The incident-angledependency with the HH polarization was higher for sasa and reed than for other vegetation types. Analysis of the polarizationrevealed that such differences among vegetation classes were reflected most clearly in the volume scattering characteristic.Applying simple and multiple regression analysis for the environmental factors of soil, hydrology, vegetation, and roughnessagainst the backscatter coefficient, we also found stronger interrelations with soil factors such as bulk density, nitrogenand carbon content, and C/N ratio, and against the backscatter coefficient, than with either the roughness or vegetation.Based on such results, we clarified the unique scattering characteristics of peatlands in which scattering from the surfacesoil is more marked than that from other elements. We consequently estimated the spatial distribution of surface soil characteristicsin peatland using the combined data available from L-band satellite SAR, aircraft laser (airborne LiDAR), and optical sensors.


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