
Personal Digital Assistants: The current Lineup

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Whitepaper, TechRepublic, Louisville, KY, (февраля 2017)


Digital assistants may well be the next revolution in computing. This free ebook explains what you need to know about Alexa, Cortana, Siri, and Google Assistant. There has been a subtle yet significant change in the way human beings interface with their computing devices. The traditional standard of keyboard and mouse is not the only way we have to communicate with our computers anymore. We have entered the age of the personal digital assistant, which can deliver results with nothing but a voice command. Some of the largest technology companies in the world (Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Amazon) believe that the digital agent will eventually be the primary interface we use to communicate with our computerized gadgets, the internet, and our network of interconnected devices (Internet of Things). With that belief in mind, these companies are attempting to make their version of a digital agent the de facto standard for most consumers. Each company is looking to establish a foothold in this marketspace because they believe digital agent technology is the key that will hold consumers in their respective digital ecosystems. In other words, once you use a particular digital agent and establish a connection with the software, it will be difficult to switch to a different digital agent. Essentially, if you were to change, you would have to start all over again.


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