Teil eines Buches,

Dynamics of nematic liquid crystals in confined geometries

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


In nano- and microfluidics the length scales of devices are comparable to the molecular lengths and fluid-wall interactions become significant for the flow behavior. In our contribution we use nonlinear relaxation equations for the alignment tensor 1,2 to model the spatially inhomogeneous orientational dynamics of nematic liquid crystals, constitutive equations for the pressure tensor 3 and the momentum balance equations to couple the velocity on the orientation. In order to model fluid-wall interactions we use boundary conditions on the alignment tensor (strong anchoring) as well as on the alignment flux tensor (consequences of irreversible thermodynamics 4). For stationary flows in the isotropic phase an analytical analysis shows an apparent velocity slip as a consequence of the boundary conditions on the alignment flux tensor 5. Here we present results from numerical investigations on the interplay between the flow velocity and the orientational dynamics in the nematic phase under the consideration of different boundary conditions. \\ 1) S. Hess, Z. Naturforsch. 30a, 728, 1224 (1975)\\ 2) S. Heidenreich, P.Ilg and S. Hess, Phys. Rev. E 73, 061710 (2006)\\ 3) C. P. Borgmeyer and S. Hess, J. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics,20, 662, 1224 (1988)\\ 4) L. Waldmann, Z. f. Naturf. 22a, 1269 (1967); L. Waldmann and H. Vestner, Physica 99A, 1 (1979); S. Hess and H. M. Koo, J. Non-Equilibrium Thermodyn. 14, 159 (1989)\\ 5) S. Heidenreich, P.Ilg and S. Hess, appears in Phys. Rev. E.



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