Beliebiger Eintrag,

Upper limits on the mass and luminosity of Population III-dominated galaxies

, und .
(2016)cite arxiv:1610.04249Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, submitted to MNRAS Letters.


We here derive upper limits on the mass and luminosity of Population III (POPIII) dominated proto-galaxies based on the collapse of primordial gas under the effect of angular momentum loss via Ly$\alpha$ radiation drag and the gas accretion onto a galactic centre. Our model predicts that POPIII-dominated galaxies at z ~ 7 are hosted by haloes with $M_halo 1.5 \times 10^8 - 1.1 10^9 ~M_ødot$, that they have Ly$\alpha$ luminosities of $L_Ly\alpha 3.0 10^42 - 2.1 10^43$ erg/s, stellar mass of $M_star 0.8 10^5 - 2.5 10^6 ~M_ødot$, and outflowing gas with velocities $V_out 40$ km/s due to Ly$\alpha$ radiation pressure. We show that the POPIII galaxy candidate CR7 violates the derived limits on stellar mass and Ly$\alpha$ luminosity and thus is unlikely to be a POPIII galaxy. POPIII-dominated galaxies at z ~ 7 have HeII line emission that is ~1- 3 orders of magnitude lower then that of Ly$\alpha$, they have high Ly$\alpha$ equivalent width of > 300 $\AA$ and should be found close to bright star forming galaxies. The HeII 1640 $\AA$ line is in comfortable reach of next generation telescopes, like the JWST or TMT.



  • @miki

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