
Die Pahlavi-Übersetzung altavestischer texte in der Pahlavi-Übersetzung des Videvdad.

Gredos : Repositorio Documental de la Universidad de Salamanca, (2006)


The Pahlavi translation of the Yasna is supposed to be younger than the Pahlavi translation of Videvdad. In Videvdad we find several quotations of Old Avestan texts and some of them are translated into Pahlavi. In this article I compare the different translations of Old Avestan quotations in Videvdad with their translation in Yasna and in other Avestan or Pahlavi texts in order to find out if the translation in Videvdad depends on the translation in Yasna or vice-versa. My conclusion is that there is no such dependence. Both translations follow different traditions, although both of them go back to a commmon origin. Other versions follow the Yasna or the Videvdad versions. En "Studia Iranica",35, 35-68.; En este art\'ıculo se comparan las distintas traducciones de los mismos pasajes del Avesta, Videvdat.



  • @sofiagruiz92

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