Teil eines Buches,

An Image Algebra Based SIMD Image Processing Environment

, , , und .
Visual Information Representation, Communication, and Image Processing, Marcel Dekker, New York, (1999)


SIMD parallel computers have been employed for image related applications since their inception. They have been leading the way in improving processing speed for those applications. However, current parallel programming technologies have not kept pace with the performance growth and cost decline of parallel hardware. A highly usable parallel software development environment is needed. This chapter presents a computing environment that integrates a SIMD mesh architecture with image algebra for high-performance image processing applications. The environment describes parallel programs through a machine-independent, retargetable image algebra object library that supports SIMD execution on the Lockheed Martin PAL-I parallel computer. Program performance on this machine is improved through on-the-fly execution analysis and scheduling. We describe the relevant elements of the system structure, outline the scheme for execution analysis, and provide examples of the current cost model and scheduling system.



  • @ejr

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