
Information Hiding using 8 Bit Image

International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 1 (6): 89-92 (May 2013)


Steganography is the process of hiding a secret message within alarger one in such a way that someone cannot know the presence or contents of the hidden message. The purpose of Steganography is to maintain secretcommunication between two parties. This paper will show how steganography used in a modern context while providing a practical understanding of what steganography is and how to accomplish it. Digital watermarking is one of the proposed solutions for copyright protection of multimedia data. This technique is better than Digital Signatures and other methods because it does not increase overhead. Digital Watermarking describes methods and technologies that hide information, for example a number or text, in digital media, such as images, video or audio. The embedding takes place by manipulating the content of the digital data, which means the information is not embedded in the frame around the data. In this paper cryptography based Blind image watermarking technique presented that can embed more number of watermark bits in the gray scale cover image without affecting the imperceptibility and increase the security of watermark . In this research colored images are used to hideArabic and English texts. The images with BMP extension are used for such hiding operation. The reason behind using BMP type is offering because of it’s moreaccuracy in showing the image without any of compressed data and it is considered tobe the most used format in hiding operation, in addition it can handle most importantcolor levels such as ( 8 bits). The steganography method applied in this work is executed by Delphi language.



  • @ijisme_beiesp

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