
Real-time Optimization of Requirements Models

, , , , and .
(2008)in press.


Early life cycle risk models can represent the requirements that a de- velopment group would want to achieve, the risks that could prevent these re- quirements from being met, and mitigations that could alleviate those risks. Our task is the selection of the least expensive set of mitigations that achieve the high- est attainment of requirements. As these risk models grow larger, the demand for faster optimization methods also increases, particularly when those models are used by a large room of debating experts as part of rapid interactive dialogues. Hence, there is a pressing need for “real-time requirements optimization”; i.e. requirements optimizers that can offer advice before an expert’s attention wanders to other issues. One candidate technology for real-time requirements optimization is the KEYS2 search engine. KEYS2 uses a very simple (hence, very fast) novel Bayesian tech- nique that identifies both the useful succinct sets of mitigations as well as cost- attainment tradeoffs for partial solutions. This paper reports experiments demon- strating that KEYS2 runs four orders of magnitude faster than our previous im- plementations and outperforms standard search algorithms including a classic stochastic search (simulated annealing), a state-of-the art local search (MaxWalk- Sat), and a standard graph search (A*)



  • @neilernst

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