
Quasi-two dimensional systems with long ranged interactions

, , and .
Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Systems of particles confined in quasi-two dimensional geometries are of particular interest in many fields of statistical physics ranging from biological applications to the theoretical understanding of the surface and interfacial properties of liquids. In this contribution, we will present some numerical results obtained recently by our group on the structural and thermodynamical properties of slab and bilayer systems with Coulomb, dipolar or Yukawa interactions 1.\\ A snapshot of a bilayer of dipolar hard spheres is presented on figure 1 ; for this configuration formation of chains is observed in both layers and the coupling between layers induced correlations between chains. The correlations depend on the strength of the dipolar interaction, space between layers and surface density of particles in each layer, making the phase diagram of this system quite complicated 2.\\ Properties of some other quasi-two dimensional systems will also be presented and a short discussion on the accuracy and efficiency of numerical algorithms will be included 3.\\ 1) M. Mazars, Journal of Chemical Physics, 126, 056101 (2007) ;\\ 2) J.-J. Weis and D. Levesque, Simple Dipolar Fluids as Generic Models for Soft Matter. Advances in Polymer Science (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heildelberg, 2005) ;\\ 3) M. Mazars, Molecular Physics, 103, 1241 (2005)



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