
Do cultures clash?

Social Science Information, 54 (1): 78-90 (2015) (EVS).
DOI: 10.1177/0539018414554827


The consequences of globalization are a matter of debate. This study is an attempt to test the predictions of homogenization, polarization, and hybridization theorists with regard to the similarities and differences between and within societies. Utilizing four waves of the World Values Survey, from 1989 to 2007, this study covers 20 societies that represent 55% of the world population. The survey involved value statements in 72 areas by nationally representative samples. Results showed that differences between Western and non-Western countries’ cultures tended to increase slightly over time, but that these increases in disagreement were not due to cultures moving in opposite directions. In all instances, they were moving in the same direction, with one of the cultures moving faster. The direction of influence was mostly from Western toward non-Western, lending support to the idea that globalization leads to homogenization, rather than to polarization or hybridization.



  • @gesis_dump

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