
Magnetospheric Responses to Solar Wind Pc5Density Fluctuations: Results from 2D HybridVlasov Simulation

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , и .
Fronties in Astronomy and Space Sciences, (2022)
DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2022.984918


We investigate the influence of externally-driven density variations in the near-Earth space using global 2D simulations performed with the hybrid-Vlasov model Vlasiator. With the new time- varying boundary setup, we introduce a monochromatic Pc5 range periodic density variation in the solar wind. As expected, the density variations cause a breathing motion of the magnetopause, as well as changes in the bow bow shock standoff position. The preceding of bow shock motion to the magnetopause motion suggests that it is directly driven by the fast mode waves triggered by changing upstream parameters. The oscillations create large-scale stripes of variations inside the magnetosheath and modulate the mirror and electromagnetic ion cyclotron mode, both of which require anisotropic description of the pressure tensor. We characterize the spatial-temporal properties of ultra-low frequency waves at different phases of the variation and discuss the similarities and differences with previous MHD results.


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