
Inference in ecology and evolution

, , и .
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 22 (4): 192--197 (апреля 2007)
DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2006.12.003


Most ecologists and evolutionary biologists continue to rely heavily on null hypothesis significance testing, rather than on recently advocated alternatives, for inference. Here, we briefly review null hypothesis significance testing and its major alternatives. We identify major objectives of statistical analysis and suggest which analytical approaches are appropriate for each. Any well designed study can improve our understanding of biological systems, regardless of the inferential approach used. Nevertheless, an awareness of available techniques and their pitfalls could guide better approaches to data collection and broaden the range of questions that can be addressed. Although we should reduce our reliance on significance testing, it retains an important role in statistical education and is likely to remain fundamental to the falsification of scientific hypotheses.


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