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Relative frequencies in multitype branching processes

, und .
(2009)cite arxiv:0902.4773 Comment: Published in at the Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (


This paper considers the relative frequencies of distinct types of individuals in multitype branching processes. We prove that the frequencies are asymptotically multivariate normal when the initial number of ancestors is large and the time of observation is fixed. The result is valid for any branching process with a finite number of types; the only assumption required is that of independent individual evolutions. The problem under consideration is motivated by applications in the area of cell biology. Specifically, the reported limiting results are of advantage in cell kinetics studies where the relative frequencies but not the absolute cell counts are accessible to measurement. Relevant statistical applications are discussed in the context of asymptotic maximum likelihood inference for multitype branching processes.



  • @ebo

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