
Naming Game with Multiple Hearers

, , und .
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 18 (5): 1214 - 1228 (2013)


A new model called Naming Game with Multiple Hearers (NGMH) is proposed in this paper. A naming game over a population of individuals aims to reach consensus on the name of an object through pair-wise local interactions among all the individuals. The proposed ŊMH\ model describes the learning process of a new word, in a population with one speaker and multiple hearers, at each interaction towards convergence. The characteristics of ŊMH\ are examined on three types of network topologies, namely \ER\ random-graph network, \WS\ small-world network, and \BA\ scale-free network. Comparative analysis on the convergence time is performed, revealing that the topology with a larger average (node) degree can reach consensus faster than the others over the same population. It is found that, for a homogeneous network, the average degree is the limiting value of the number of hearers, which reduces the individual ability of learning new words, consequently decreasing the convergence time; for a scale-free network, this limiting value is the deviation of the average degree. It is also found that a network with a larger clustering coefficient takes longer time to converge; especially a small-word network with smallest rewiring possibility takes longest time to reach convergence. As more new nodes are being added to scale-free networks with different degree distributions, their convergence time appears to be robust against the network-size variation. Most new findings reported in this paper are different from that of the single-speaker/single-hearer naming games documented in the literature.



  • @subhashpujari

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