
Spectral analysis of the binary nucleus of the planetary nebula Hen 2-428 - first results

, , , , , , and .
Open Astronomy, 27 (1): 57--61 (Jan 10, 2019)
DOI: 10.1515/astro-2018-0017


Identifying progenitor systems for the double-degenerate scenario is crucial to check the reliability of type Ia super-novae as cosmological standard candles. Santander-Garcia et al. (2015) claimed that Hen 2-428 has a double-degenerate core whose combined mass significantly exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit. Together with the short orbital period (4.2 hours), the authors concluded that the system should merge within a Hubble time triggering a type Ia supernova event. Garcia-Berro et al. (2016) explored alternative scenarios to explain the observational evidence, as the high mass conclusion is highly unlikely within predictions from stellar evolution theory. They conclude that the evidence supporting the supernova progenitor status of the system is premature. Here we present the first quantitative spectral analysis of Hen 2-428 which allows us to derive the effective temperatures, surface gravities and helium abundance of the two CSPNe based on state-of-the-art, non-LTE model atmospheres. These results provide constrains for further studies of this particularly interesting system.



  • @ericblackman

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