
Spin glass models from the point of view of spin distributions

(2010)cite arxiv:1005.2720.


In many spin glass models, due to the symmetry between sites, any limiting joint distribution of spins under the annealed Gibbs measure admits the Aldous-Hoover representation encoded by a function $\sigma: 0,1^4\to\-1,+1\$ and one can think of this function as a generic functional order parameter of the model. In a class of diluted models and in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, we introduce novel perturbations of the Hamiltonians that yield certain invariance and self-consistency equations for this generic functional order parameter and we use these invariance properties to obtain representations for the free energy in terms of $\sigma$. In the setting of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model the self-consistency equations imply that the joint distribution of spins is determined by the joint distributions of the overlaps and we give an explicit formula for $\sigma$ under the Parisi ultrametricity hypothesis. In addition, we discuss some connections with the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities and stochastic stability.


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  • @andreab

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