
(Re)solving Mysteries of Convection and Mass Loss of AGB Stars: What New Models and Observations Tell Us About Long-Standing Problems

(Oct 27, 2016)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.154673


The recent progress in high-spatial-resolution techniques, spanning wavelengths from the visual to the radio regime, is leading to new valuable insights into the complex dynamical atmospheres of Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars and their wind forming regions. Striking examples are images of asymmetries and inhomogeneities in the photospheric and dust-forming layers which vary on time-scales of months. These features are probably related to large-scale convective flows predicted by 3D star-in-a-box models. Furthermore, high-resolution observations make it possible to measure dust condensation distances, and they give information about the chemical composition and sizes of dust grains in the close vicinity of cool giants. These are essential constraints for building realistic models of wind acceleration and developing a predictive theory of mass loss for AGB stars, which is a crucial ingredient of stellar and galactic chemical evolution models.



  • @ericblackman

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