
Hadronic Light-by-light Scattering Contribution to Muon \$ g - 2 \$

, , and .
Physical Review D, 54 (5): 3137--3153 (Jan 23, 1996)
DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.54.3137


The hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to muon \$g-2\$ is examined based on the low energy effective theories of QCD, the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and hidden local symmetry approach, supplemented by a general information concerning the asymptotic behavior of QCD. Our result is \$- 52 10^-11\$ with an uncertainty of \$18 \times 10^-11\$, which includes our best estimate of model dependence. This is within the expected measurement uncertainty of \$4010^-11\$ in the forthcoming experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Our result removes one of the main theoretical obstacles in verifying the existence of the weak contribution to the muon \$g-2\$.



  • @cmcneile

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