
Availability of Construction Material Resources and Their Quality Assessment with Special Reference to Kolhapur Region

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International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), 4 (4): 17-21 (November 2016)


Quality assurance of building materials is very essential in order to build strong durable and cost effective structures. When construction is planned building materials should be selected to fulfill the functions expected from them. The objective of this project is to discuss the importance of quality assurance of most common building materials such as cement, aggregates, steel and bricks in accordance with relevant standards. Material testing is a must in all industries, particularly the building sectors. This is because an incorrect assessment of a material would ultimately be harmful to people and the environment. The infrastructural development of a nation, eventually leads to the prosperity and growth of that country. Utilization of high quality construction materials leads to high quality infrastructures. The quality of such materials should be assessed properly in an accepted laboratory, using standard test methods. Construction includes the materials used in buildings, highways, bridges, railway and metro projects. The key to reliable construction and infrastructure development is the civil engineering techniques, technologies and most importantly the building/construction materials used. Construction materials include cement, aggregate, reinforced steel, bricks, various types of composites etc. Proper assessment of the properties of these materials is vital to ensure the quality and durability of the final structure that is made with them. The quality of building material used to construct any kind of structure plays a determining role in maintaining its durability. High quality building material ensures safety of the building and enhances its resistance against adverse climatic changes. Therefore, testing of building material, prior to its usage in construction, becomes of grave importance for construction material manufacturers. Testing for quality of construction materials is very important. Objective of testing construction materials is to provide an assurance to the user on the reliability of the materials. Thus, construction materials testing laboratories make a useful contribution to national development through the estimation of the quality of construction materials.



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