
2nd Workshop on Case Based Reasoning and Context-Awareness

, and (Eds.)
volume 254 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN 1613-0073, (August 2007)


Context awareness in Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems has become a topic of increased research of late. In CBR, context serves as a major source for reasoning, decision-making, and adaptation. Achieving context-awareness for context-sensitive CBR systems will depend on their ability to represent and manipulate in formation about a rich range of contextual factors. These factors may include not only physical characteristics of the task environment, but many other aspects such as the knowledge states (of both the application and user), and user beliefs and emotions. There presentation and reasoning problem therein presents research challenges to which numerous methods and techniques derived from artificial intelligence and knowledge management (e.g., logical reasoning, object relationship models, ontologies, similarity measures, and intelligent retrieval mechanisms) are now being brought to bear. This workshop served as a discussion platform to researchers and practitioners exploring issues and approaches for context-sensitive systems involving CBR to share their problems and techniques. The discussion extended towards mechanisms and techniques for structured storage of contextual information, effective ways to retrieve, reuse, and adapt it, as well as methods for enabling integration of context and application knowledge. The main question raised at the workshop is how to deal with contextual and/or contextualized in formation, e.g., contextualized cases for a CBR system. To kickstart this discussion, three selected papers we represented, which opened the discussions with specific questions about context-awareness, explanations, and context ontology issues.



  • @lorcan

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