It is well known that (i) for every irrational number $\alpha$ the Kronecker
sequence $m\alpha$ ($m=1,...,M$) is equidistributed modulo one in the limit
$M\toınfty$, and (ii) closed horocycles of length $\ell$ become
equidistributed in the unit tangent bundle $T_1 M$ of a hyperbolic surface $M$
of finite area, as $\ell\toınfty$. In the present paper both equidistribution
problems are studied simultaneously: we prove that for any constant $> 0$
the Kronecker sequence embedded in $T_1 M$ along a long closed horocycle
becomes equidistributed in $T_1 M$ for almost all $\alpha$, provided that $\ell
= M^\nu ınfty$. This equidistribution result holds in fact under
explicit diophantine conditions on $\alpha$ (e.g., for $\alpha=2$)
provided that $\nu<1$, or $\nu<2$ with additional assumptions on the Fourier
coefficients of certain automorphic forms. Finally, we show that for $\nu=2$,
our equidistribution theorem implies a recent result of Rudnick and Sarnak on
the uniformity of the pair correlation density of the sequence $n^2 \alpha$
modulo one.
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