
Disorder-Induced Rectification in a Molecular System

, , , и .
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 44 (1): 30-38 (2014)
DOI: 10.1007/s13538-013-0153-y


We study on the electron transport of an ensemble of coupled sites that simulates an array of quantum dots or a molecular system. By using the Green's function technique, we calculate current and shot noise for linear and disordered site arrays. While in the linear case the characteristic I-V curve reveals no current rectification, in the disordered configurations a robust rectification is found, thus indicating an operational regime typical of molecular diodes. Additionally, a negative differential resistance is observed due to the drop of the bias voltage along the structure, which yields to an energy mismatch of neighboring sites. Finally, the Fano factor reveals a stronger transport correlation for positive than for negative bias voltages in the disordered site configuration.


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