A Comparative Evaluation of Two Techniques for Predicting the Performance of Dynamic Enterprise Systems.
D. Bacigalupo, S. Jarvis, L. He, D. Spooner, D. Pelych, and G. Nudd. PARCO, volume 33 of John von Neumann Institute for Computing Series, page 163-170. Central Institute for Applied Mathematics, Jülich, Germany, (2005)
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%0 Conference Paper
%1 conf/parco/BacigalupoJHSPN05
%A Bacigalupo, David A.
%A Jarvis, Stephen A.
%A He, Ligang
%A Spooner, Daniel P.
%A Pelych, D.
%A Nudd, Graham R.
%D 2005
%E Joubert, Gerhard R.
%E Nagel, Wolfgang E.
%E Peters, Frans J.
%E Plata, Oscar G.
%E Tirado, P.
%E Zapata, Emilio L.
%I Central Institute for Applied Mathematics, Jülich, Germany
%K dblp
%P 163-170
%T A Comparative Evaluation of Two Techniques for Predicting the Performance of Dynamic Enterprise Systems.
%U http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/parco/parco2005.html#BacigalupoJHSPN05
%V 33
%@ 3-00-017352-8
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author = {Bacigalupo, David A. and Jarvis, Stephen A. and He, Ligang and Spooner, Daniel P. and Pelych, D. and Nudd, Graham R.},
biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d91484c0b949485a68c44c77878514ff/dblp},
booktitle = {PARCO},
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date = {2007-06-24},
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editor = {Joubert, Gerhard R. and Nagel, Wolfgang E. and Peters, Frans J. and Plata, Oscar G. and Tirado, P. and Zapata, Emilio L.},
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isbn = {3-00-017352-8},
keywords = {dblp},
pages = {163-170},
publisher = {Central Institute for Applied Mathematics, Jülich, Germany},
series = {John von Neumann Institute for Computing Series},
timestamp = {2007-07-16T13:44:26.000+0200},
title = {A Comparative Evaluation of Two Techniques for Predicting the Performance of Dynamic Enterprise Systems.},
url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/parco/parco2005.html#BacigalupoJHSPN05},
volume = 33,
year = 2005