
Ultrahigh-Q mechanical oscillators through optical trapping

, , , and .
(Dec 30, 2010)


Rapid advances are being made toward optically cooling a single mode of a micro-mechanical system to its quantum ground state and observing quantum behavior at macroscopic scales. Reaching this regime in room-temperature environments requires a stringent condition on the mechanical quality factor \$Q\_m\$ and frequency \$f\_m\$, \$Q\_mf\_m\gtrsimk\_BT\_bath/h\$, which so far has been marginally satisfied only in a small number of systems. Here we propose and analyze a new class of systems that should enable unprecedented \$Q\_mf\_m\$ values. The technique is based upon using optical forces to "trap" and stiffen the motion of a tethered mechanical structure, thereby freeing the resultant mechanical frequencies and decoherence rates from underlying material properties.



  • @jacksankey
  • @mcclung

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