
Elasticity and metastability limit in supercooled liquids

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


A possible solution to Kauzzman entropy crisis in a supercooled liquid is the presence of a kinetic spinodal temperature Tsp below which the liquid relaxation time exceeds the crystal nucleation time and the liquid itself is ill defined. We revisit classical nucleation theory taking into account the viscoelastic response of the liquid. We show that supercooled liquids can be classified according to the importance of viscoelastic effects. When viscoelastic effects are small Kauzzman entropy crisis is avoided whereas when they dominate the kinetic spinodal can be totally suppressed and Kauzzman entropy crisis arises 1. We present Monte Carlo simulations on a lattice system which support our conclusions2.\\ 1) PRL 95, 115702 (2005)\\ 2) Phyl. Mag. 87, 3-5, 441-448 (2007)



  • @statphys23

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